Scholarship Opportunities

The Structural Engineers Association of Colorado has started a scholarship fund. Bob Voiland, one of the founding partners of JVA, Inc., a consulting structural engineering company in Boulder, Colorado, had a vision and provided initial funding to establish a continuing scholarship program for support of Colorado's future structural engineers. Bob's vision became reality in 2009 when the SEAC Scholarship Fund, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, was formed.

In November of 2009, the SEAC Scholarship Fund, Inc. began to solicit donations to create a lasting endowment. To date over $124,000 has been donated by dedicated individuals and related firms in the consulting, construction, and insurance industries.

Two $4,500 scholarships will be awarded each spring. The winning students must be upperclassmen attending an accredited engineering school. They must intend to practice structural engineering in Colorado. Selection criteria include the student's academic achievement, involvement in the community, professional involvement, and volunteer work. There will be an application phase followed by a selective interview process.

If you are interested in making a donation or know of a deserving student, please contact the committee at

Use the links below to download the necessary forms. Email completed forms to


Scholarship Pledge Form and Donor List

SEAC Scholarship Pledge Form

Donor List

Scholarship Application

2025 SEAC Scholarship Application Form (enrollment open through March 7, 2025)

SEAC Scholarship Reference Form

Scholarship Winners

2024 Macie Scarpella & Jeremiah Vaille

2023  Joseph Verkler and Ian Gorner

2021 Alexander Wood

2020 Aleesha Busch & Lauren Kercheval

2018 Austin Friday & Lauren Hudak

2017 Samantha Grey & Thomas Tarcha

2016 Aura Lee Harper Smith & Joseph Arehart

2015 Kate Benton & Nathan Stambaugh

2014 Katie Courtright & Erik Schnaderbeck

2013 Katie Courtright & Jacob Machone

2012 Katie Courtright & Cole Brubaker

2011 Daryn Hobbs & Pedro Oronia

2010 Brandon Parker & Erin Dowds